Miriam Jirari

Title: MPH, RDN (Registered Dietitian Nutritionist), CPT (Certified Personal Trainer)
Company: Nutrition with Naia
Phone: 619-743-3115
San Diego, California, 92127
United States

I’m an experienced (over 15 years) heart-centric dietitian committed to guiding people into making life decisions that puts health and well-being as a priority in a loving way. I have a Masters in Public Health/Nutrition from Loma Linda University, a Registered Dietitian license and am a Certified Intuitive Eating Counselor. I believe our body has all the wisdom it needs to make the most self-honoring decisions. I am passionate about guiding you towards a life free from food preoccupation (yes please!) so your life can instead, be filled with much more enriching moments. I'm also hugely passionate about fitness and moving the body in healthful and powerful ways. Let me support you and get you to that holistically healthy place you were born to be in. If you wish to connect please reach out: mdjirari@gmail.com
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