Emily Kunash

Title: Licensed Clinical Professional Counselor
Company: Next Level Counseling and Wellness
Emily Kunash
Emily Kunash
Phone: (815) 575-8860
Fax: (815)668-8955
226 West Judd Street
Woodstock, Illinois, 60098
United States

Emily has facilitated thousands of clients in Wisconsin and Illinois in their mental health journey. She graduated in 2006 from Carroll College (University) with a Bachelors in Psychology and Florida Gulf Coast University in 2010 with a Masters in Mental Health Counseling. Emily was a multi-sport athlete in High School on Poms and on the diving team and has been a stage performer from a young age. She has continued her passion in fitness and sports as a runner, yogi, and group fitness instructor. She has extensive training in CTB, DBT, Intuitive Eating, Multiple Channel Exposure Therapy for trauma, and substance use disorders. Emily treats clients struggling with anxiety, trauma, eating disorders, and substance abuse. Emily also works with athletes for sports performance improvement.
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