Dr Elizabeth Roberts

Title: Registered Dietitian
Company: fussyaboutfood.com
Elizabeth Roberts
Somerset, United Kingdom

Dr Elizabeth Roberts, SRD, PhD is a State Registered Dietitian in the UK. She has practised extensively in the area of appetite regulation and eating behaviours, working with adults, teens and children. She currently works with adults and teens recovering from an eating disorder, orthorexia and rigid food rules, and men, women, boys and girls on the dieting rollercoaster who no longer trust their bodies to tell them how to eat. Elizabeth is experienced in the clinical management of a number of conditions, including bowel disorders, intolerances and diabetes and so can effectively support your journey towards becoming an intuitive eater with any dietary requirements. She is also trained in the SOS method for managing food aversions. She understands how genetics, our experiences and the food environment interact to influence our individual appetites and how dieting or dietary restriction leads many towards out-of-kilter appetite signalling and disordered eating habits which, the more we try and control, the more out of control we can end up feeling. You can set up a discovery call with Elizabeth by email or contacting her through her website.
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