Anil Manley

Title: MS, CHES Intuitive Eating Counselor & Mindfulness Coach
Company: Mindfulness With Anil, LLC
Anil Manley
Phone: 443-396-3239
Washington, DC, United States

Anil Manley, MS, CHES is a Certified Intuitive Eating Counselor and Mindfulness Coach. Anil’s whole-person approach supports individuals who want to transform from suffering to liberation. She encourages individuals to make positive lifestyle choices and create sustainable behavior change with compassion and consistency. This includes the awareness of how systemic factors and accessibility affect one's health. Anil shares practical skills and meaningful education that help people become their best selves–wherever they are on their wellness journey. She’s also a Certified Health Education Specialist with a Master’s degree in Health Promotion and Workplace Wellness. Schedule a coaching call with Anil. Some of the topics you can discuss include work-life harmony, stress management, joyful movement, and making peace with food.
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