Alexandra Pereira

Title: RDN, CN
Alexandra Pereira
Phone: 2038854368
22 Avenue B
Beacon Falls, Connecticut, 06403
United States

Alexandra Pereira is a Registered Dietitian (RD) and a Certified Dietitian Nutritionist licensed in Connecticut. She graduated from the University of New Haven, and attended the distance-track dietetic internship at Lenoir-Rhyne University in North Carolina. During her internship she gained experience in multiple settings such as, community nutrition, clinical nutrition, diabetes education, and long-term care. She has worked in both a clinical setting, and most recently in behavioral health where she counseled those with eating disorders, maladaptive eating habits, food allergies, and weight management goals. Alex is committed to helping her clients rebuild their relationships with food. She practices a non-diet/intuitive eating approach, and has a HAES (Health at Every Size) view on nutrition and wellness. She believes that everyone deserves to enjoy the act of eating, free of feeling restricted, with the goal of living a balanced lifestyle
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