Trained and Certified by the Original Intuitive Eating Pros

We get numerous requests from around the world from people who want to work with local health care providers. That’s why we created a standardized training and certification program for professionals to help assure the integrity of the Intuitive Eating process.

There are many different professions represented here. You can expect to be guided through the lens of the particular profession of the person with whom you choose to work.  Each counselor abides by the scope of practice guidelines laid out for his/her profession. For example, a counselor who is also trained as a psychotherapist, will offer psychotherapy, in addition to Intuitive Eating counseling, or a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist, is qualified to provide medical nutrition therapy, in addition to Intuitive Eating counseling. This concept will follow for each of the health professions represented.


Veronica Bignetti

Title: Dietitian
I'm an Italian dietitian, working with Eating disorders and disordered eating. My work is part of a HAES® (Health at Every... More >

Anne Galles

Title: Psicologa-psicoterapeuta
Company: Alimentazione intuitiva®
+39 3489246646
Psicologa e psicoterapeuta specializzata nelle problematiche alimentari, prima certificata italiana in Intuitive Eating, ho creato l'Academy dell'Alimentazione intuitiva® per aiutare... More >

Tina Helboe Olsen

Title: Body Image Coach & Movement Teacher
Company: LiveFlow
+39 348 60 48 956
Aiuto le donne a fare pace con cibo, corpo e movimento, con un particolare focus sulla relazione con la propria... More >

Ilaria Mandolesi

Title: Counselor & Coach
Company: Ilaria Mandolesi

Francesca Pinasco

Title: Dottoressa in Farmacia e nutrizione
Buongiorno, sono Francesca, laureata in farmacia e in nutrizione. Ho lavorato per 8 anni come responsabile del reparto erboristico e... More >