Kathryn Fink Martinez

Title: RDN, LD, CEDS-S
Company: Confidence in Eating
Phone: 214-449-0564
2701 Wallin Dr
Irving, Texas, 75062
United States

My motto reflects my belief in a balanced approach: "There's always room for ice cream and chocolate!" I teach confidence in eating to clients and health professionals by exploring emotional issues with food and bodies with more than just healthy eating education. I understand the food and mood connection and assist individuals and groups in separating food and feelings while educating about a balanced approach to improve both mental and physical health. I am licensed in the state of Texas and can provide Medical Nutrition Therapy, currently through virtual appointments. Clients love doing 1:1 sessions while working through the Intuitive Eating Workbook. As a Certified Eating Disorder Registered Dietitian Supervisor, I have an in-depth understanding and expertise to work with clients with active eating disorders or a history of an eating disorder and can help you come to the ultimate goal of intuitive eating. My over 20-year fitness background offers my expertise to dissect and guide to a joyful movement approach. My passion is helping individuals who are post-bariatric procedures address the complications and come to a place of knowing what will satisfy the body, mind, and soul when it comes to eating and joyful movement.
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